IL CoP Charter
Here are a few ideas for what you can write about within each category:
• Tutorials on how to do something interesting, unique or difficult. For example:
Tips for HDOs to Identify the Difference Between Disruptive, Frugal and Reverse Innovations1(*this is a sample heading to the kinds of topics readers will find compelling*).
Four Ways Digital Health Companies Can Help Achieve Sustainable Development Goals
• Deep dives into how something works or does not work. For example: “The pathway to put an innovation into practice to derive desired outcomes in care.”
• Case studies using specific datasets for analysis. For example:
This case study looks at how a facility made an innovation available to the team, right from discovery to adoption and all the way through to roll out across several specialties.
“How Mayo Clinic’s Data Liquidity Strategy Succeeded Despite COVID-19.”
• Roadmaps to unlocking digital health potential through patient-centered innovation. For example: Roadmap to a Connected Digital Healthcare Future.
• Disruptive innovation trends to watch for in healthcare delivery.
• Actionable advice for innovation professionals, such as:
Guidelines (dos and don’ts) for implementing an innovation at your facility.
Busting myths about wasteful procurement spending.
Guidance to build innovation networks for successful implementation (as opposed to an isolated invention that is likely to fail due to its dependence on non-existent frameworks).
Building blocks and grids for effective innovation leadership in healthcare delivery organizations.
• Reflections on personal experiences with takeaways. For example:
How your facility took innovation to a different level by sharing best practices.
“Five Lessons AHN Learned While Launching A Virtual ICU During The Pandemic.”
To think of other possible ideas, we recommend starting from one of these five places:
Creative insights from personal experiences and collaboration;
Technical/domain expertise;
Individual creativity, innovative thinking;
Evidence from the past; or
Perspectives on current events.