IL CoP Charter

Here are a few ideas for what you can write about within each category:

• Tutorials on how to do something interesting, unique or difficult. For example:

• Deep dives into how something works or does not work. For example: “The pathway to put an innovation into practice to derive desired outcomes in care.”

• Case studies using specific datasets for analysis. For example:

• Roadmaps to unlocking digital health potential through patient-centered innovation. For example: Roadmap to a Connected Digital Healthcare Future.

• Disruptive innovation trends to watch for in healthcare delivery.

• Actionable advice for innovation professionals, such as:

  • Guidelines (dos and don’ts) for implementing an innovation at your facility.

  • Busting myths about wasteful procurement spending.

  • Guidance to build innovation networks for successful implementation (as opposed to an isolated invention that is likely to fail due to its dependence on non-existent frameworks).

  • Building blocks and grids for effective innovation leadership in healthcare delivery organizations.

• Reflections on personal experiences with takeaways. For example:

To think of other possible ideas, we recommend starting from one of these five places:

  1. Creative insights from personal experiences and collaboration;

  2. Technical/domain expertise;

  3. Individual creativity, innovative thinking;

  4. Evidence from the past; or

  5. Perspectives on current events.



  1. Prime, Bhatti, Harris, Frugal and Reverse Innovations in Surgery, Springer, May 2017

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