A New Beginning: Resilient Product Design

Healthcare companies seeking to remain competitive must reset their playbooks to become more resilient in the face of unforeseen challenges and to be prepared for a more connected and digital world. In the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic, the world faced travel bans, physical lockdowns, heightened consumer demand, and supply chain disruptions across every industry. This was especially true of the healthcare industry, which struggled to maintain business continuity while needing to become more agile and scalable to save lives. Time was of the essence, and this served as a forcing function for healthcare companies to rethink almost every aspect of their operations to be more resilient at every phase of the product lifecycle: from ideation to production and beyond. Within healthcare, the pandemic served as a motivating call to develop a more agile and responsive approach to product design and innovation. Historically, our sector has operated within a well-established playbook.