Taking healthcare everywhere – three key themes from the 2023 Future Health Index

Amid increasingly strained resources, healthcare systems are forced to rethink how and where they deliver patient care. This year’s Future Health Index – the largest global survey of its kind – shows how healthcare leaders and younger healthcare professionals are aligned in their vision to innovate care delivery models with digital technologies that meet patients where they are. Fast-tracked by the pandemic, the past three years have given us a glimpse of the future of healthcare delivery: one that extends beyond the hospital into the home and the community, with digital technology connecting care across settings. There is no going back now. Staff shortages and financial pressures compel healthcare organizations to deliver care in smarter and more efficient ways. Patients are also demanding it. Digital transformation continues to accelerate every aspect of our lives, from how we buy to how we work and learn. As a result, our best and most convenient experience anywhere is now what we expect everywhere – including in healthcare.