4 Home Care Technologies to Prioritize

America, and for that matter the world, is facing a growing challenge in caring for two expanding groups of patients - those 60 and older and patients with such chronic diseases as cancer, diabetes and obesity. We explore some technologies CB Insights analysts say providers should scrutinize over the next one to three years .4 Home Care Technologies to Explore are “At-home Infusion” This technology enables patients to have intravenous treatments like dialysis at home.” Virtual Clinical Exam Rooms” Exam tools ranging from digital stethoscopes to comprehensive digital medical kits provide diagnostic-quality equipment to the home to support virtual visits.” Digital Therapeutics” These solutions combine evidence-based research with digital technologies to provide treatment options for ongoing medical issues that can be addressed in the home.” Home Care Management Platforms” This technology supports the transition from an acute care setting to the home to help ensure effective care coordination.