How Data-Informed Risk Stratification Can Support Suicide Prevention

Provider organizations play a crucial role in suicide prevention, and Parkland Health & Hospital System (PHHS) exemplifies how effective risk stratification can enhance these efforts. Their Universal Suicide Screening Program, launched in 2015, screens all patients aged 10 or older, irrespective of presenting issues. Through standardized questions and automated processes, patients at risk receive timely interventions. Data-driven insights from 7 million patient encounters inform continuous program improvement. Dr. Kimberly Roaten and Dr. Jacqueline Naeem highlight the significance of leveraging existing resources and creatively addressing challenges. Their proactive approach, informed by data analytics, underscores the importance of collaboration and innovation in combating the mental health crisis. Lessons learned emphasize the value of sustained leadership support, adaptive strategies, and leveraging community partnerships to optimize suicide prevention initiatives nationwide.